Mustang Makeover Challenge

Kristina and Bella-Sierra placed 23rd overall in the 2009 Midwest Mustang Challenge.

Now follow Kristina and Dont SKip Cody on their Journey to the Eastern States Mustang Makeover Stampede in Murfeesburo, TN in October.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

August 4th, 2009-Day 19th

Cody's feet are still very sore from farrier trim last friday as well as from the rocky ground at my parents. SO haven't been able to do much but sit on him and work on his giving to left and right.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

July 25, 2009- Day Nine

Today we worked on standing tied while I picked his front feet- He has always been good about this with the exception that he soon gets tired of holding up his foot and likes to try and turn around and nip!

Today I used a hoof nife, rasp, and nippers to get his used to the feel and ounds made by easch tool. I am positive that our farrier Katie will thank me for this later! =)

I only had a small amount of time to work with Cody today due to a trip WAY up north, but will be back late afternoon tomorrow so I can saddle him up again and work on more leading.

July 24, 2009- Day Eight

I know I have hehaw-ed over what to name my exceptional mustang!!! But I have FINALLY come up with the OFFICIAL name.

Don't SKip Cody aka Cody.

He has been coming along GREAT! He hasnt been as much of a trouble maker lately so I think that he is finally settling down with his new domestication home. (Although he still likes to rub on everything and still breaks his water buckets almost daily)

Put the saddle on him and dropped the stirrups down and he looked at me like um... ok now what do you want me to do????

THEN i asked him to walk... lol and he bucked maybe two three times but other than that was HIGHLY uneventful.

Now I need to work on him holding his feet up long enough so that Katie, our farrier can trim his super long feet!!!

I also need to work a bit more on him being led so that I can work on steering with the sidepull.

Photos will be up soon!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

July 23, 2009- Day Seven

I cannot believe the week has passed so quickly!!! ALSO at how far TROUBLE has come this past week. Next week he is getting his feet trimmed. MAYBE shoes if he can handle it. Also still need to work on leading more... He gets these ideas of walking where he wants to go sometimes... lol

HOWEVER I did manage to catch him and lead him into the barn yesterday so i'd say hes coming along quite nicely. This next week I hope to borrow a sidepull and work on that.

The way he is coming along, he will be ready to be ridden when we move him to mistee oaks next friday.


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

July 22,2009-Day Six

Well I went from calling my mustang TROUBLE to pretty boy... lol
I put my saddle back on him today and changed his halter because the other one was rubbing the hair off his face. ALL with no problems. He truely is a great horse! EVEN though he can be a pain in the butt with his antics!

Alyssa and I put together the roundpen and we turned him out in it during the day. She went to bring him inside and he GOT LOOSE!!! on a 200+ acre farm. He ran around the barn a few times like a bat out of hell- but then started to graze and I was able to catch him and bring him in...

I am STILL trying to catch my breath!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

July 21, 2009- Day Five

Well my monkey of a mustang has become quite the trouble maker... lol
he figured out how to unlatch his stall... and chewed a chunk out of Hayzle-tte's stall wall... AND managed to scratch his halter off... lol


I found a smaller halter and was wondering how long it would take to get the new halter on him... LOL it took a bit under 5 seconds!

I am thinking about just naming him FLUKE!!! HAHAHA!

He also tipped over his water trough... talk about a mess!!!

AFTER cleaning up his messes I worked with him just a few more minutes because I was short on time. HE DID GREAT!!!

I will be back to the barn later on tonight and will put the saddle on him again. Depending on his mentality tonight I will or will not finally girth him up. I may wait until tomorrow.

Monday, July 20, 2009

July 20, 2009- Day Four

This morning I was up with the sun and out at the barn earlier than usual. I brought along one of my super old tex tan reining saddles and after oiling it some so it didnt squeak too much and spook Dean, I set it aside and Lead him outside and groomed, sprayed, and ezalled him, lunged him, and then put my rope around his heart girth area to get used to the cinch. AGAIN he could care less!!!! I then put the saddle pad on him and my saddle- but did not cinch him up. THAT is for tomorrow =)

I also worked on leading... at the moment he will turn left or right with pressure but not forward. BUT I have to remain happy that he is coming along as quickly as he is!!! The great part about this journey is that I am not pushing him along faster than he wants to go- and that is the awesome part about it. I always have said that I didnt not believe in the way some trainers push their horses too far too fast for the money...

I cannot believe how quickly Dean is coming along... But honestly I feel that its more that I have an awesome horse... not that I am the awesome trainer... ha ha ha

until tomorrow!!!

July 19, 2009 - Day 3

Today I drove to the barn apprehensive about my good luck with JamesDean... but it was for naught!!!

I walked up to him and attached the leadrope and was able to rub his FOREHEAD with no prob. He is a little nippy though and I was picking out his foot and he wanted his foot back and i said just a sec! let me finish and he turned around and nipped me in the arm the brat! lol

I sprayed him down with ezall and he was sooo clean! then went and rolled! I also let him smell colt's old blue and white saddle pad and he could care less so i put it on and off of him and he stood proud! ha ha ha

We finished putting up our temp roundpen panels so that I could let him outside and work with him a bit in the pen. It took about 5 minutes for him to settle so i could catch the stinker!!!

My sister-in -law Becky Ellis os RAE Photography stopped by later on in the day and took a couple photos for me because my camera is dead!

July 18, 2009 Day 2

Today I went to the barn fully expecting to have another sierra on my hands... I walked into my mustang's stall and 1st off- hes bay... not "brown" like his coggins say! but he stood and looked at me while I walked RIGHT UP TO HIM!!! and was able to rub his neck, back, sides, and flanks!!!! I got a bit more brave and was able to touch his face, and hook a leadrope up to his halter. All while my mustang had the look on his face that he was bored... ha ha ha TYPICAL MALE!

I also taught him to pick up front feet on command.

He is soooo smart!

The names that I have put into the maybe list are:


I am leaning towards JamesDean... hmmm or MattDillion

AHHH I cant make up my mind!!!

Friday, July 17, 2009

July 17, 2009- Day 1

We were supposed to leave by 11 pm Thursday night but left at 1:30 early Friday morning for the Ewing, IL BLM holding facility. We arrives at 8 am where we met up with katie smith and her sister Maygan Nelsen. Maygan is competing with my sister Alyssa in the youth challenge.

Alyssa's mustang is an adorable yearling bay filly with a star, stripe, and snip (blaze) and two socks.

My mustang is a 3 yr old bay gelding with two hind pasterns and a star and snip. We had a minor scare while loading the two when the filly decided to go back into the chute and my gelding was trying to come out of it. He ended up walking RIGHT OVER HER! We were in shock!

However, they both trotted into the trailer and we recovered!

I am greatful that I have been given not only a gelding, but a smaller statured one than Sierra!

We are working on setting up a blog for alyssa and her mustang.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

she's home!!!

I know many of you made it to the Midwest Horse Fair and were able to meet Sierra and myself!!!

After the in hand course we were placed 19th our over all placing after the riding section (we still were not able to canter due to her lameness in the right hind) we placed 23rd.

Thanks to my step-daddy Jason and a sponsorship from Pride Abrasives, Bristol, WI I then brought her home =)


im a converted mustang lover!
signed up for the TIP program and I also applied to compete in the tennessee mustang makeover challenge and my sister alyssa also applied for the youth yearling mission!!!

Friday, March 27, 2009


Time is ticking!

I cannot believe that Midwest Horse Fair will be here in under 3 WEEKS!!!!!
I cannot express how excited I am to be bringing Sierra and showing everybody how AWESOME she is!!!

I have, irrvicably fallen in love with her and am crossing my fingers that we qualify for the Dawn Lapin Mustang Trainer Assistance Fund so that I can bring her back home with us at the end of fair and so I can continue to work with her and show her 1st Level Dressage this summer!

I am not getting my hopes up too soon, but as of right now, I will be EXTREMELY satisfied If we have the walk and trot mastered before fair. If she can figure out her leads by then that is an extra bonus!


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Sierra's "Official" Name...

is "Bella-Sierra" and she is coming along NICELY!!!!

we are currently working on giving to leg- moving away from it. Today Dr. Borzinski from WI equine came out and Sierra was an ANGEL!!!!! I am really impressed with Dr. Lisa as well she spent a few extra minutes with Sierra, letting her know her smell, etc. After introductions Sierra stood like a lady while she had a coggins drawn, as well as recieved her 5 way and west nile vaccinations.

I am in the process of scheduling another meet and greet to take place in 2 weeks or so.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Sierra's Party Recap

Last night we invited friends and followers to the barn to see how far sierra has come, to help her get used to crowds, etc.


thank you to those that came in support of both of us!

We are now working on the back from the ground and she picked that up really quickly.

She really liked aunty amy and was an ANGEL she definately enjoys being at the center of attention! instead of getting nervous, upset, or spooky she LIVED FOR IT!

While everyone was there she stood still for the saddle, AND ME! =)

Due to requests from those that were unable to attend, we will be having another gathering again soon. I'll keep everyone updated!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Wednesday March 4

Sierra wears a snaffle today! We also did some line driving and long lining. she did BETTER than I expected! SOOOO Proud of her!!!!!!!

Monday, March 2, 2009


thought i'd update everyone- as of 1:00 granny passed a BASEBALL sized poop and is doing well! =)

SUCCess yet I'm not as happy as i should be

Yesterday our 29 yr old pony granny started showing signs of being in distress- turned into colic- as of 11:30 today she has not passed regular manure for 26 hours- wth the exception of a small marble sized piece at 6:30 p.m. last night.

so worried about her and i was trying to keep her calm and talk to the vet my wonderful husband and mom went by sierra and was messing around with her. michael put my western saddle on her and got on with no issues. (at least no major ones) we have it on camera i guess I've got to upload it and take a look and will add to the blog.

so this would have been a REALLY exciting event but it has been overshadowed by granny's health scare

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sierra Party!!!!!

Monday March 9th 6:30 p.m.
Come ALL!!!

I am needing friends,family, clients,and followers alike to help me with a certain project concerning Sierra. call me for directions to mistee oaks in bristol, wi!!!!!!!

*** update*** lol i've been getting a lot of response but many more questions about this sierra party... okay, so what i'm needing is willing equestrians to participate in walking up to sierra, jumping around sierra... leading, grooming, etc. lol the goal is to help sierra get used to other people - and "s-s-s-strangers!"


Doing Great and Going Strong!

Well this past week has been CRAZY as ever, but I have been dedicated that if i do not have anyone that is able to be out at the barn while I work with Sierra I at least go in her stall, tie her, groom herr, pick up front feet, saddle her, walk her into arena and lunge her. at least 30 minutes spent with her for that day. HOWEVER thursday night we had a crazy storm, the arena flooded, it was a mess and friday when it gotcold it all FROZE!!!!

Brian came out and he practiced getting on her saddle she jumped a few feet the first time, but then she was like... hey! this isnt so bad!!! we both left her lesson on a good note and were both able to put our foot in the stirrup pull ourselves up and lay over the top of the saddle and walk around.


Monday, February 23, 2009


If you couldn't tell by my last blog post - I was feeling REALLY discouraged with Sierra's progress. Sierra is a HUGE horse- add that to her unwillingness to cooperate and I just could not physically work farther with her that I was.


With the help of my own husband AND Brian Pogue of Dream Catcher Stable (he also has a mustang of his own "Sassy")my new best guy friend =) Sierra has been doing GREAT!

She lunges, leads, ties, and STANDS when we tack her up! Brian was also messing around with her yesterday and was jumping up and down and hanging on the saddle, so it's looking like we will be riding in the next few days! YAY!

THANK YOU Michael, Brian, and MOM FOR YOUR HELP!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Loosing Faith but staying strong

Feb 18, 2009
Hope you had a happy birthday yesterday becky!

It has been a long week and this week isnt even over yet. the weather has been nice, but damp and dreary the past few days. I have been overworked and under paid =) and am having a hard time getting out by sierra and spending more than an hour out there- which is what she needs if we are going to reach our goals for the fair.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

30 days of mustang =)

went really well. I spent 2 hours playing catch the mustang- she started turning her but into me- the brat, and would not let me anywhere near her face. I was BEYOND frustrated! Sierra is too darn smart for her own good- she knew what i was going to do from the steps that i always take before doing it.she finally relaxed and i put her saddle pad and saddle on her and went to grab the girth and the darn horse kicked out at me! i was beyond shocked! and when she did that she didnt have a mean look in her eye nor did she even put her ears back! So i spent another hour making her turn towards me and not away from me, and amazingly i was able to walk up to her and put her new purple halter on her! THANKS MOM for the halter! =)

I also put the saddle on her one last time before leaving on a good note- and left exhausted after 3 HOURS! =)

glad i was able to end her lesson on a good note!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Day 29

Well it is hard to imagine that tomorrow I have had sierra for 30 days. I definately had no idea what i was getting myself into- but she has proven to not only be a wonderful horse, but a great horse to learn from. Yes, she is teaching many things about the way a horse's mind works. ITs not the same to study a horse that has known no hardship, a horse that is pamperd and fussed over. blanketed, supplemented horses are no match for the wild mustang. =) Sierra does have a stubborn streak to her, but overall is a willing student. In my mind, we are behind where I would like her to be, and how i planned it out... lol unfortunately sierra has other ideas apparently!
we have come a long way. she will now pick up her front feet with some encouragement on my part. She still has issues with me putting a halter over her head, but once the halter is there she could care less about it being there. We still need work when it comes to leading, but i can tack her up with saddle and girth, saddle pad- she could caee less.

My plans for month #2: the next 30 days are to have her under saddle and walk trot and just start the canter.

Month 3: last 30 days will be perfecting the walk trot and canter and adding the palns for our freestyle.

or maybe i shuold forget all of this or i might jinx myself =)

tonight i gave her the day off to just be a horse. tomorow night however i am spending a few hours out there. I also need to find a large horse sized halter- a halter that will not break and is fully adjustable so it will fit her huge head... lol

friday night 2/06/09

sierra and i worked on leading in her stall for about 20 minutes- i then put her dressage pad on her that we recieved from my friend jen. i then put my dressage saddle on and tightened up the girth- sierra could care less. However, shewould not walk out of the stall if i tried to lead her or walk next to her. i then had this great idea to use chloe and have her walk into the arena and we would follow her. well- what happened was sierraa still would not walk with me next to her, but chloe kept going- sierra jumped out of her stall, leadrope beetween her legs and she had a melt down.... ran through the barn into the arena and into the arena wall... then continued to run circles around chloe and i (we were in the middle of the arena) for a good 30 minutes, trotted for another 30 and then, after soaked and lathered she came to a stop and hung out with chloe in the middle of the arena. not once did she buck through this, nor did she look frightened even... no huge bulging eyes, no whites of the eyes, she was just running. I cant even begin to explain it. afterwards she followed chloe back up into the barn, walked into her stall and began to munch on hay, she did not flinch when i walked up to her, i took the saddle off with no issues, and i put it back on her again just incase she was in fact frightened by the saddle. I have about 5 minutes of video of her meltdown and my attempt at staying positive and trying to be funny. during this meltdown she stepped on the leadrope and broke her halter, so i really have not been able to do much but groom her and practice picking up her feet when asked. she has a training appt with the farrier on friday. katie has all the tools and i want sierra to start to trust other people besides just me.

I will have to take my camera to my moms so i can upload the pictures and video i took.

Friday, February 6, 2009


HALTER!!!!!!!! Day 27

Last night I left the barn feeling quite proud of Sierra AND myself =) I FINALLY found a halter large enough to fit her hugemungous head of hers... and after 45 minutes of playing catch the mustang... lol she stood quietly and i was able to slide the halter over her head, buckle it as well as snap the halter on her with no further issues. I also gave her a rubdown along her back, butt, back legs, front legs, and under her belly as well as put my crappy sircingle on her- with no issues.

Tonight we will be working on leading WITH A HALTER THIS TIME!
and I will also be working on using the grooming tools on her and getting her looking nice and CLEAN for once!

I will also put my dressage saddle on her and off.

I have a hundred or so photos to upload on here, but my WONDERFUL husband =) lost the cable that connects to my camera so i can upload the photos to the computer! aurgh!!!!

I am taking them to Woodmans to have them put on a photo cd for me so i should be able to upload all the photos tonight.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Day 23

I know I have been slacking the past week or so when it comes to uploading blogs and keeping everyone in the loop with Sierra's progress. For this, I'm sorry!

Sierra has made great strides on her way to "domestication". I am now able to walk up to her, pet her sides, under her belly, her legs, her neck, under her neck, under her jaw, her face, and put her make shift halter on her.

In the indoor arena I am able to walk up to her and pet her, pet her sides, her legs, and under her belly with the whip.

I have moved my 3 yr old super lazy paint mare over to the farm and they became fast friends, however Chloe is definately telling Sierra how it is! lol last night we played kickball with them and sierra was playing along. We also played follow the leader and practiced leading and stopping.

Tomorrow I will make sure that I post PICTURES I PROMISE!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

January 29, 2009

Today I spent a few hours at the barn playing with sierra. she was playing a not so funny game of catch me if you can.... lol
but after about 5 minutes she was SUCH A GOOD GIRL!

I put her "halter" on her and practiced giving to pressure. I also used a curry comb on her body and legs and she was a lady. I also introduced her to the saddle pad, which she didnt know what to think of at first, but quickly realized It would not bite, and stood like a good girl and let me rub it along her neck, her sides, and then let it stay on her back.

lol all of this while she was munching her hay...

She sure loves her food!!!!!! =)

Monday, January 26, 2009

Day Eighteen Take 2

January 26, 2009

So Becky and I went out by Sierra and I was able to touch under her chin and was able to put the leadrope around her neck and make it into a make shift lariat... lol KRISTINA STYLE =)

She then let the leadrope go across her nose, so i tucked back through the lariat and made my own halter... lol

We practiced give and take to pressure and she is OH SO SMART!However the stinker =) we worked for 45 minutes before she had her mini meltdown =)

and then I let her chill out a bit in her stall while I cleaned up a bit and refilled her water bucket and left her stall and barn on a good note.

Going back out tonight at 10:30 on my way to equispa to check on granny.


Day Eighteen

January 26, 2009

I know its been a while, I've just been BUSY between taking care of Granny, the horses at Greener Pastures, and working through tax season... lol AND SIERRA!

So the latest Update:

Sierra is okay with me walking up to her and petting her. She stands still and allows me to touch all four legs, rub her neck, rub her face, and throw a leadrope over her neck. Her nose is SUPER sensitive and I am working on desensitizing her nose so i can FINALLY get that halter over her nose! lol She allows me to take the rope halter and tie it around her neck as if it was over her nose.

I will update after I work with her tonight.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Day Fourteen

Tonight I went out to the barn and was determined that today would be the day to get Sierra's Mustang ID tag off, and what do you know?

It is now sitting in my livingroom reminding me of our accomplishment!

She is great with me petting her back, shoulder, front legs, and neck- and even was alright- even though a bit unsure of me scratching her cheek.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Day Thirteen

January 21, 2009

Today I had to work at Equispa 7-5 and then didnt get home until 7:40 p.m. so I stayed home and slacked off today. back to work tomorrow =)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Day Twelve- I DID IT!

January 20, 2009

Tonight I was able to SLOWLY walk up to sierra and PET HER! =) She is still not all together sure about how she should react to it, but was a perfect lady tonight.

I left her stall on a good note and cleaned up around the barn then about 45 mins later went back and she let me walk right up (i still went slow) and pet her- no tensing this time!


Tomorrow's goal-
to get her BLM tag off =)

Monday, January 19, 2009

Day Eleven

January 19, 2009

I waited until tonight to work with Sierra. She was still shy when I walked into her stall to give her hay and to refill her water. She stood next to her hay while I picked out her stall, and I then Stood in her stall and did some more exercises with her. I was able to right away use the end of the whip and pet her with it. She twitched once or twice but then exhaled and enjoyed it (i used the handle part to scratch by her withers) After about 5 minutes on each side, I ran my hand down the whip 1/2 way and moved closer to her. She was still not sure about this change but she quickly settled, relax, and began licking her lips. She was just not ready for me to go all the way and touch her with my hand.

THAT is for tomorrow =)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Day Ten

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Today I stopped out at the barn after a meeting at work with Becky to work with Sierra in the roundpen. I cleaned her stall and tidied up the barn a bit before ATTEMPTING to herd her into the roundpen. Becky left early so it was just me and Sierra... lol

we ended up playing ring around the roundpen- so that idea didnt work. After about 30-45 minutes of this I gave up and took her back to her turnout pen and stall.

I'm not sure if it was a sign from her or intuition, but I stood in the middle of her stall with a lunge whip and she LET ME PET HER with it!!!!!!!!!!

At first she twitched a bit, thinking it was a fly, but she soon relaxed. WHAT A GREAT FEELING! I just KNOW that tonight I will do this again and TOMORROW I hope to be able to pet her with my own hand.

I just KNOW that once we get past this part and halter train her the rest of our journey will progress like I have been HOPING IT WOULD ... lol

and OMG what a GREAT DAY it was today!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Day Nine

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Today we were able to celebrate our "heat wave" of 10 above... lol
I'm not complaining though, it can ALWAYS be worse! (like the neg 46 we had the other day)

I spent this break in the weather attempting to bring the round pen into the indoor arena.... HA! it JUST COULD NOT BE THIS EASY the powers that be must have been dancing around up there laughing hysterically at me today.

The roundpen panels were not only frozen TO the ground, the somehow ended up IN the ground! I tried shovel, a spade, then a jackhammer, that worked fairly well until i was able to get the panel LOOSE but then could not life the panel up to undo the pins that hold the panels together... we were at it for a good hour or so til my back was hurting!

so we took Sierra into the indoor arena and I attempted to work with her in there... yeah it worked for a while- at least until the herd realized that there was another horse in the indoor and they started banging on the windows and got her attention...

so THEN I had the great idea to open up the pens and herd her into the roundpen outside this way... It worked! HOWEVER, while working with her, she would have a mini meltdown and SLIP or SLIDE on the snow! after a while she started to calm down a bit and we were able to have a nice and decent workout. I was able to get about 2 ft away from her, she still does not want to be touched, but i was able to touch her in the booty as she passed me a few times.

I have been told to try to use a bamboo pole, but all of the spaces where i can work with her are too large to use this method- i even thought about using a long lunge whip, and even that i think is too short.

She did really well today, and I have a feeling that if I work her tomorrow and Monday like I did today, she will come around quickly and I'll be able to get that halter on her!

Now I KNOW why the trainers put the halters on their horses while they were in the chutes at pick up- I was not as fortunate to do this because I wasnt able to go! =(

Off Topic-Bloggers Who Show Great Attitude/Gratitude

PalyReiner at Spinnin & Slidin, Lopin & Dreamin, Mustang Style!passed along this little lemonade award for bloggers who show Great Attitude/Gratitude.

I guess I better show that I have Gratitude, so here are the instructions.

1. Post the picture (isn't it cute?)
2. Nominate at least 10 blogs which show Great Attitude and/or Gratitude.
3. Link to your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link this post to the person from who you received your award.

Here are my 10 Blogs

1.Spinnin & Slidin, Lopin & Dreamin, Mustang Style!

2.Fugly Horse of the Day

3.Jessie, Two Appaloosas and a Mustang

4.Determination Performance Horses

5.Natural Horse Resource

6.Rebecca and Stiletto

7.Nuzzling Muzzles

8.Julie Goodnight on the Road

9.My Quarter Horse Diary of Fancy Bonanza Doll

10.Tracey, Mustang Diaries

Friday, January 16, 2009

Day Eight

Friday, January 16, 2009

this weather sure SUCKS! I have not been able to do anything with sierra the past two days because by the time I walk from my car to the barn, put hay in her stall and pick out her stall and give her more h2o i cant feel my face, fingers, or toes... and i end up running back into the car like a sissy. cant wait for tomorrow (Saturday)- moving roundpen into the indoor arena- dot ask me why i didnt think of that SOONER... rofl

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Day Seven

January 15, 2008
Well I have officially had Sierra here for a week now. I am slightly discouraged about our back tracking- however I find it exciting that she is waiting for me with her head over her stall door when I walk into the barn and she nickers =)

One more day and I will have the roundpen up in the indoor arena and I can actually work with her SAFELY!

With the "heat wave" of 20 degrees forcasted my spirits lift! This and it is the weekend... YAY! I can spend a lot of time together with her.

I will have Becky make sure to post new photos showing our progress!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Day Six - Part Two

January 14, 2009
Becky and I drove out to the barn to bring Sierra inside- I didn't have to work too hard to bring her in because the -50 temps brought her in from the cold already =) I just needed to shut the door.

She is still jumpy and skittish as soon as I open the stall door. I belive that the sliding she did in her stall during her meltdown last night really freaked her out.

I spoke to pat and she gave us the go ahead to bring the roundpen inside the arena on Saturday.

SOOOOOOOOOO I am looking for help to help us bring it in and get it set up this saturday at 9-10ish. Hoping many can make it as it is a larger size roundpen!

Day Six ...Part 1

January 14, 2009

This morning I stopped at the barn to let Sierra outside in her paddock and to give her some extra hay to keep her warm in this artic weather we are having her in the midwest!

She stuck her head out of her stall in greeting and that was cool to see that she was excited to see me coming down the isleway! She also nickered to me for more food... lol

I opened her stall door and she immediately had her meltdown and made sure i stayed an even amount of space away from her, which was a bummer.

I will be going back out there tonight to bring her in and work with her a bit more.

Day Five

January 13, 2009

My husband Michael, Sister in law Becky, Friend Amanda and I met out at Mistee Oaks yesterday afternoon. I set myself an unrealistic goal of getting her halter on her. The horses were in the indoor so I had to work with her in her stall.

Once in the stall with her I worked on moving her forward and changing directions with my body. Sierra is definately a quick study- as she had it down in no time.

I did have her halter in my hand so that she would get used to me bringing misc items into her stall and around her. I was also able to walk about a foot away from her and put my hand out as if to touch her. She handled this very well- of coarse until my finger graized the very end of one of her hairs and she had what I call a "mini meltdown" and I was not able to get closer than 2 feet from her and that is okay.

She is definately herd bound and I feel bad for her because she seems so lonely without Tomas' mustang Luna around. I turned her outide for a little bit and she ran right to the arena window to talk to the horses that were in there.

I definately need to figure out a way to keep her with other horses - maybe keep her in the roundpen in the arena for a bit.

Until later!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Day Four

January 12, 2009
Sierra was so great this morning!!!! I walked in her stall and gave her her hay and she did not shy or move away from me! I also refilled her water andshe still stood perfectly still and calm and accepted me into her space. I am now able to stand 3 feet away from her and she is okay with my presence.

I also opened up her stall door and allowed her to hang out in her adjacent paddock during the day. She walked outside and ROLLED and layed down in the snow!

Becky took pictures so those will be up soon!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Day Three

January 11, 2009
This morning I stopped out at the farm to play with her some. I have decided on a name for my mustang......... DRUMROLL PLEASE.....................


She was still skiddish when I enter her stall with hay, or to refill her water bucket, but amazingly, she was perfectly okay with me cleaning out her stall... lol

She still dance together, but she let me get closer to her before she moves away. She is very curious and I just love this about her. She also has a kind eye and this is what i love the best, besides how HUGE she is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Day Two

January 10, 2009

Today we took it easy. My mustang stayed overnight at Clover Hill and she was moved to Mistee Oaks tonight. It was a lot easier than I thought it would be. We backed the trailer up to the barn and she walked calmly into the barn and seemed to know which one was her stall. She walked in and started to munch on her hay. LOL she is fine with us outside her stall, she may give us cautious looks now and again, but she is overall okay with our presence.

However, once I open her stall door and walk in she kinda dances with me- i take one step forward, she takes one back. I take one back she takes one

I have created a poll and have uploaded some photos from last night because I NEED HELP with naming her!!!!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

SHE'S Here!!!!!!!!!!! Day One

January 9, 2009
The group was all mares and Lalo is jealous because mine is the "nicest" I tend to semi- disagree because Tomas' mare is cute and petite and I can totally see her pulling on the heartsings of every young child and adult at the fair=) Mine is BUILT like a tank, and obviously has a large portion of quarter horse in her blood! she is at LEAST 15.2 and is so wide I would guess that she is at least a size 82 blanket!!!! maybe 84!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She is at Cloverhill until this crazy snow stops and we can back the trailer up to the barn at mistee hill.

I will have my sister in law and best friend becky post some more photos of her soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Less stress is always a good thing

When you have 6 days to find a location to train a mustang! Thank you's to Brian and Pat for offering your facility/farm for me to work with my mustang! I am not sure which route to take at this point,but it is reassuring to know that there are options!

I cannot belive that there is only 6 days until we leave!
The plan is to leave here at 1 am on Friday morning. I am greatful that I do not have to drive!

The group that I am traveling with includes:
lalo govea
tomas martinez
rebecca bishop

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!!!

The count down has officially begun! 8 more days until we pick up the mustang!